Feng Shui is the Science that govern spatial arrangement and the Art of orientation in relation to the flow of energy Qi.
Feng Shui is also the Practice of siting and designing buildings according to the favourable and unfavourable effects of Qi for the Purpose of promoting health, wealth and prosperity.
As Featured in Grand Designs New Zealand
Feng Shui consultancy for your home. Ideal for home owners, renters, those looking to buy and for property developers.
Get the most out of your workplace with our Corporate Feng Shui consultancy. Improve the energy and effectiveness of your workplace.
Why Walk the Dao?
My name is Hwee Boon Yap. I am a Feng Shui Master and Certified Instructor in Traditional Chinese Martial Arts. My mission is to enrich my clients lives based upon the principles of Dao philosophy (pronounced – dow).
That is a bit abstract. Please stay with me and allow me to break it down – since this is all about improving your life and well being. Even though I am drawing on an ancient tradition, it is common sense and we all “know it” if only we stop to think.
We know there is a natural order to the universe, at any level we choose to imagine. The seasons follow one another, night follows day, the young grow old, we live, we die. In the East we call this “The Dao”. In the West it has been loosely translated as “the path” or “the way”. There is nothing we can do to change the Dao, but we can choose whether to live in harmony with the Dao or fight against it.
You will have a much happier life if you live in harmony with the Dao and I can help you along this path. This is why I have chosen the business name “Walk the Dao”
I am dedicating my life to help you in 3 areas:
- Improve your physical environment. Most often this will be your home. Ideally it would also include the places where you work and play. This is Feng Shui.
- Improve your own physical and mental well-being through Chinese Martial Arts.
- For those who have embraced Feng Shui and Martial Arts, I will teach the other wisdom contained in the “Five Skills” that taken together are the foundation of Chinese wisdom based on the Dao.
This is a lifelong journey and it takes both of us to commit.
You have probably heard Nelson Mandela’s famous quote as he was leading South Africa from the darkness of apartheid to the dawning of democracy in his homeland:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Once we start walking on that long journey, before long we will be able to look back and see how far we have come … because we did not give up.”
It is an absolutely wonderful quote, but the first part is not original. It is actually drawn from Chapter 64 of the sage LaoZi’s DaoDeJing (Tao de Ching) the founding text of Dao philosophy. The rest is his alone and an inspiration to us all.
My first “single step” is to expand my range of Feng Shui services to include New Zealand customers, in addition to my established international practice. I am a Feng Shui Master and this is where I can make my biggest initial contribution. Martial Arts is no less important but will come later.
Those of you from the rest of the world, I am pleased you have found me on my new website.
A big warm welcome! Your first step is to join me and have the courage to Walk the Dao.
To all my Feng Shui clients and students of the past, I look forward to our crossing paths again and welcome you to walk a little while again with me.
About Master Boon
I am a Feng Shui Master, official holder of the Yap Cheng Hai lineage, I am an internationally renowned Master of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui and Traditional Chinese Martial Arts
I am passionate about transforming people’s lives. I enrich people’s lives through transforming their living and work spaces into prosperous places. I am also known for improving people’s health and vitality through working with their breath, body and mind and through Yanshougong the Art of Longevity.